Ovaries from a 3D printer allowed an infertile mouse to deliver offspring

3D printing technology has the potential to revolutionize medicine. Methods have already been developed to print human sk ry or hair. The latest development is ovaries made with this technology, which re allowed mice to conceive and give birth to healthy offspring. In the future, this could help c flukes cure fertility for people after radiation or chemotherapy.

– Our research shows that 3D printed ovarian bioprostheses preserve their functions long-term – said Teresa K. Woodruff of Northwestern University near Chicago, a member of the team behind the creation of the ovarian. – Using bioengineering to create organ structures in which re function and restore the health of the failed tissue, rather than using transplantation, is the Holy Grail of regenerative medicine – added.

Researchers to print the ovary used „ink” derived from collagen naturally found in animal ovaries. The use of this type of biological hydrogel reduced the likelihood of ovarian rejection by the body. The material used pom head also interact with host tissues. It was also significant in the delivery of blood to the bioprosthesis.

Mapping the structure of the ovary has presented scientists with considerable difficulties. The organ’s function depended entirely on reproducing the organ’s specific structure on a printed scaffold. The maintenance of dozens of follicles depended on it in which re contain immature cells rk eggs and allow them to grow.

Bioimplants prepared in this way were implanted in female mice, which ho had previously had their ovaries removed. Of the seven females, which re subjected to the experiment, three produced healthy offspring. Mouse moms have been also capable of lactation, meaning that their hormonal signals continued to work after the removal of natural ovaries .

– This landmark study is a significant advance in the application of biotechnology to reproductive tissues – said Mary Zelinski of the Oregon National Primate Research Center in Beaverton commenting on the scientists’ achievements from Northwestern University.

Scientists now plan to test the printed ovaries in pigs, and if everything p is going well, will be carried out pr to make on humans. Researchers hope that one day their work will allow infertile women to have offspring. However, it will be many more years before such technology is available. However, this is a promising start.

Pictured is the head of nym bioprosthesis of a mouse ovary at high magnification.