New blood test can detect cancer and localize it

Scientists have developed a blood test that not only detects cancer, but determines where it is located in the body. The test is called CancerLocator and was developed by specialists at the University of California, Los Angeles.

A new test may allow doctors to diagnose specific types of in cancer much earlier, even before the appearance of symptoms. Scientists m ties about the breakthrough of. The test is simple enough to be included in routine checkups along with cholesterol or blood pressure testing.

The test involves detecting the DNA of tumor in pr bcs of blood. California researchers have discovered that cancers arising in The higher the level of DNA in the blood, the more accurate the results of the program will be j distinctive, distinct „trace”, kt ry can be detected by a special computer program.

– Non-invasive diagnosis of cancer is important because it allows early diagnosis of the disease. The earlier the tumor is detected, the better the patient’s chances of beating the disease – said Professor Jasmine Zhou, who participated in the study.

– We have developed a computer test, which ry can detect tumor r, as well as identify its type from a single pr blood cells. Our technology is still in development and needs further work, but the potential benefits for patients are huge – added the researcher.

American scientists to develop the test created a computer database containing specific molecular patterns that re occur in tissues when tumors appear. Some re patterns show the very existence of a cell rek of cancer, while others are specific to the type of tissue, with which rgo they originate, e.g. lung or liver.

The test was checked ten times on pr bc blood samples taken from 29 patients with liver cancer, 12 patients with lung cancer and five patient with breast cancer. The test detected eight out of 10 cases of In cancer.

The level of cancer DNA in the blood at its early stages is very low. However, the computer is able to detect it and make the correct diagnosis.

– Og ln general, the higher the level of cancer DNA in the blood, the more accurate the results of the program will be – explained Zhou.

The results of the researchers’ work have been published on „Genome Biology”.