The development and course of the common cold depend on the bacteria in the nose
With the onset of autumn, the season of increased viral infections has begun. The common cold can take sarcomas. Some s go through it extremely quickly, while others are plagued by a runny nose, weakness and fever for a long time. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the microorganisms inhabiting the nose are responsible for the course of the common cold and its severity.
It turns out that the number and type of organism located in the nose may explain why some re people have worse symptoms than others, even if they are infected with the same strain of virus. People, for example, in the noses of kt rich bacteria live in large numbers in the genus Staphylococcus – Staphylococcus, have more severe cold symptoms than people who re have less of them.
Researchers have identified six he different models of the microbiome in nasal. The different patterns were associated with ranges in the severity of the symptom in colds. It has been found also that compositions correlate with the amount of virus in causing the common cold in the body.
In a study published in the „Scientific Reports” The researchers analyzed the nasal bacteria of 152 os b before and after infection with the same virus that causes the common cold. In doing so, they wanted to b to rule out the possibility that it is a virus or the resulting disease that changes the composition of the bacteria in the nose. Scientists also tested whether the administration of probiotic may alleviate cold symptoms or affect the composition of the microbiome in nasal. In both cases, the answer is no.
The results of the study surprised their author himself. – The first surprise was that one can identify t have variants that match the of people. Bacterial compositions appear to have some influence on how they respond to the virus and how they pass the infection. The nasal bacterial microbiome influences how b how the body reacts to the virus – said Ronald B. Turner of the University of Virginia School of Medicine.
To be clear, the microbes in our noses do not cause the common cold. Viruses are responsible. Researchers don’t know exactly what the observed correlation between the nasal bacterial microbiome and the course of the common cold is based on. Perhaps genes are involved here, which re may be responsible for contagious both for the composition of the nasal microbiome and for the response to the common cold.
– There may be some carrier trait that ra causes more bacteria to occur Staphylococcus in the nose, and increases the likelihood of disease – noted Turner.